it's the final report about isaac mcdougal . アイザック·マクドゥーガルに関する最終報告書だ
final report of the commercial starship nostromo . 商業船 ノストロモ号 最終報告
what are the flags for the final report , no . 7 ? 最後の レポートナンバー7のフラグは どんな感じなの
what are the flags for the final report , no . 7 ? 最後の レポートナンバー7の フラグは どんな感じなの?
final report of the vessel prometheus . "プロメテウス号 最終報告"
however , according to the final report made after that , it became clear that motohira ' and hidehira ' s had been reversed , therefore , the northwest shumidan on the right facing the hall is regarded as hidehira ' s . しかし、その後の最終報告によると基衡と秀衡の遺体が逆である事が判明し、現在は向かって右の西北が秀衡壇とされている。
according to " the final report on the academic investigation of the corpses in chuson-ji temple ," published by chuson-ji temple in july 1994 , hidehira ' s blood type was a and his height was 167 cm , the tallest of the three generations . 平成6年7月に中尊寺により上梓された『中尊寺御遺体学術調査 最終報告』によると、秀衡は血液型A型、身長は三代中もっとも高く167cm。
but while the plan to utilize the premises of kyoto city yokooji sports park was considered at first , on june 26 , 2006 " committee for consideration on a football stadium " (the chairman was yasushi matsuyama , kyosho kyoto sports promotion special committee chairman ) made public the final report that said " carrying out that plan will be difficult " because of the problems with traffic access and the construction budget . しかし、当初検討された、京都市横大路運動公園の敷地利用計画は、交通アクセスや建設予算他の問題から、2006年6月26日、「サッカースタジアム検討委員会」(委員長=松山靖史・京商京都スポーツ振興特別委員長)が「整備は困難」と最終報告書を公表。